What are two whores doing in the library on a thursday morning?
I have been wanting to make my blog readable in-world in Second Life for a long time now. Chrissy said she was going to help me. To do this properly we would need some sort of a script, she said, so we went looking for that.
It's not so hard to find online sources if you do a search for "HTML on a prim" and "Second Life", but it's hard to actually find the information that will get it to work for you. One source told us we should get some sample prims with scripts at the library region, so there we went.
We searched for a while for a place at the Cookie region that was to be names 'hobo' eh... something. I forgot the full name. We didn't find it but in the end Chris did manage to explain to me how I could change the front texture of a box-shaped prim display my blog. It would always be possible to make a proper poster of it later.
If anyone has an idea on how to fix this, do tell me. In the meantime, my blog can be read in the Street Whores Info Center just as well. It's there next to the sign that keeps the colleagues informed about the well-being of Nesliyah, who is recovering from an accident in RL.