Monday, March 18, 2013

Mondays mondays

Early monday morning and who's on the prowl?

A bunch of street prostitutes, looking for their first fixes this week. Their butts turning around in little circles before your eyes. Which one will you pick?
She extinguishes her cigarette and grabs a box of condoms from her handbag. The banknotes disappear in it. Her bottom seems happy and eager as she walks down the street, a fixation point for your eyes as you disappear round the corner of the alley.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Whore Couture Fair

Hookers need clothes too! Actually, we need lots of them. Our work clothes wrinkle and tear up rapidly, especially when working in the streets. Apart from this, we also need to dress warm or casual every now and then, when visiting unsuspecting family members for instance.

These weeks there is the Whore Couture Fair, a big heavily-visited expo of clothing a girl won't be wearing on a visit to her mom's. It features just about anything you can think of that a girl on the prowl might need.
The fair will last for the entire month of March, I think and can be found here: As you can see in my photo there is room to relax as well.