Would you take advice from a girl who has that much cash stashed away in her cleavage? Well... I would, so I asked Fay Fire for a Pro Tip.
Fay Fire (fayna): You see guys landing here all the time... 3 whores greet him and tell him shit... Guy leaves 10 secs later... Why?
Tsai Cheng: I do the same in a clothing store, I want to look around quietly before I commit.
Fay Fire (fayna): Because he just can't bother wasting time having a conversation with multiple girls.... They come here in first place to avoid having to work on a conversation... Why would people think they want 4... I just dont get that
Tsai Cheng: Hmmm.
Fay Fire (fayna): In my experience... You do better if you stay totally silent and let the guys talk first.
Tsai Cheng: Yes, or give them a lead and see if they react. But don't overdo it.
Fay Fire (fayna): Then you engange in a convo... because the guy already showed you he wants a convo.
Tsai Cheng: If nothing comes back, stay put.
Fay Fire (fayna): And yes, it is like shopping: nothing bothers more a guy in a shop that getting "help" he didn't ask in first place.
Tsai Cheng: Hmm.
Fay Fire (fayna): Some might want you being super pushy... and that is fine, and you should be pushy with those... but many use that method as default.. and law of chances says it is a bááááád idea.