Saturday, March 30, 2019

Ladies Night Out - The pictures

In my previous blogpost I mentioned the Ladies'night out, that I sadly couldn't attend. (RL can be a bitch) I asked Stephanie and Chris to send me some pictures, sot hat I could at least give an impression. They sent me these:

Ladies Night Out
Gathering at the Meat Market

Ladies night out

Ladies Night Out
Flying gliders

Ladies night out
Crashing gliders

Ladies Night Out
Bumper boats

Ladies Night Out

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Ladies Night Out

Girls wanna have fun, right?

Ladies Night Out

We can't rely on the punters for entertainment of course. That's why we used to have a Ladies Night Out every now and then. There hasn't been one in a while, but for today, at 7AM PDT Stephanie has one planned, starting in the Wirtz region from the Meat Market. From the looks of it we are going to crash a glider plane...

I hope it's insured. Probably not...

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Graffiti on the doors

"We're going to spray paint Elvi's door," Stephanie said. That seemed like a good idea, so soon we were standing in front of her house. Elvira was inside, but clearly AFK (away from keyboard that is...). Soon enough the word 'fish' appeared on her door. Well... look around at the garbage in the street, it often smells a bit like fish here.

Then we proceeded with Mel's door. We wondered if she'd get grumpy at us making graffiti on her door, or if she would not even notice it.
Whotter appeared. We weren't sure if he could actually read a most inspiring word on Mel's door, or if our presence and an empty stomach led him to us. But he did say the word:
