Friday, September 6, 2024

Street Whores was repossessed

 This morning I logged in, still dressed in bikini, to my home location, or at least I thought I was, only to find myself out on a Linden Road looking at a banline. My home was obviously behind that.

Street Whores was repossessed

It's a sad sight, but I somehow expected it to happen sooner or later now. Lately I have been paying my rent by the week, ever since Street Whores had been repossessed a previous time on 22 May. I hadn't blogged about that occasion.
I may talk about the details later, but this is basically a case of serious neglect by the place's new owners, who took over from Suzi Ah last year.
This is just what happens if you fail to pay for your tier. Let's hope someone will be able to revive or rebuild the place somehow.

Whotter plays Theme from Titanic on the recorder

 After the sad news, I decided to go over to X-Sisters and sit there at the beach bar for a drink, or two, or three. We even allowed Whotter to play 'Theme from Titanic' on his recorder...

1 comment:

  1. sad :(
    On one hand, we all saw this coming for awhile so its not surprising
    But on the other, there's allot of history there which most I learned reading your blog.

    Shame i missed out on the glory days and I really only came in at the downfall. Still, I will remember the early days i started of March and April 2023.
