Saturday, February 22, 2025


We received news that Whotter had rented one of the apartments, in the big flat blocks at the northern side at Street Whores. This seemed a bit strange. Why would he rent a flat if he already has a place to live?


It soon became clear though: his sister Ngọc had accompanied him in his quest to rent a top-floor apartment and convert it into something we didn't have yet in town: an indoor swimming pool.


We're not sure all the neighbours of the new swimming pool will like this initiative, escpecially the ones living straight below it. Let's hope this all ends well and without too much damage...

If you want to visit it: the place is called 'Whotterworld'.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A battle against the 'Online Safety Bill'

A controversial British 'Online Safety Bill' that will be enforced starting March has quite the overreach when it comes to fundamental human rights, privacy foremost. Jess has blogged about it in two recent posts on her website. I will link them here.

A battle against the 'Online Safety Bill'

In the first post she outlines what the possible consequences are for her website and what options she would have as a provider of (Second Life) pornography in the UK:

How the UK ID Verification Law Threatens Online Privacy and This Website 

In the second post she outlines how the platform is a direct attack on creativity, privacy and free expression and she sets out her own action/campaign against it:

Natural Porn Enemy of the State | Fighting for Privacy and Freedom 

One of the things she has out is the T-shirt of course. There is also a protest sign. Both are available on marketplace, or inworld at the X-Sisters Shop.

A battle against the 'Online Safety Bill'

Meanwhile the Cheng family is now fully in her outfit, minus Whotter of course. Only the sign will fit him so far...

Friday, January 3, 2025

Winter and a new year at Street Whores

The holidays are over and I am happy things return a little bit to normal for me now. I like one-on-one contact better than all the social pressure with the holidays.

We had a lot of fun at Street Whores though, with the Home Decoration Contest and the Christmas Party. On New Year's Eve (whenever that is in SL as we are all in different timezones) Jess had lit fireworks that went off every hour.


Winter and a new year at Street WhoresWitner and a new year at Street Whores
Winter and a new year at Street WhoresWinter and a new year at Street Whores
Winter and a new year at Street WhoresWinter and a new year at Street Whores

Virginia Stella organised 2 DJ's for the Christmas party and made these wonderful photos. It was a lot of fun, but oh boy, was I tired afterwards.

Winter and a new year at Street Whores

Meanwhile, Whotter and Ngọc befriended my friend's daughter Kvêta. One day after the weekly Second Life rolling restart I suddenly saw them all stand together on my roof, overlooking the streets. It was a bit strange to see Whotter and Kvêta not going at eachother's throats.


Winter and a new year at Street Whores

Otherwise, it is business at usual. With just the little change that my house is getting a bit small now, with my daughter now providing a large chunk of the family income. I had to get myself earplugs.