Thursday, August 15, 2013

Twin stalkers

This other guy looks like him. It is almost exactly him! They must be twins. Hey, let go of me, this is no fun anymore. And stop pulling off my dress. I want to go!

No, no hitting me! Ouch.. this hurts so bad. Please...

Ohh no, those maniacs. I wish this were over soon.

(To be continued)


  1. Where do you hang out when on Zindra? I can't seem to find my way around the place and some of the backgrounds of cities and towns you've posted look really cool.

    1. I usually hang at the Wirtz region, in a place called 'Street Whores - Town Square'. This city/red light district fills up most of the region.

      The background to this series of posts you replied to is just part of my own 'roleplay' skybox.
