Saturday, September 2, 2023

We have a fan

While I was talking with a man on the streets, TJ hit me up in IM and showed me a link to his photo album on Flickr. It seems Whotter and I have a fan...

As seen through my legs, TJ sits down with Whotter

TJ made this shot of Whotter and his keytar, part of my son's rockstar aspirations, as seen from through my legs. TJ hit us up on the streets a while later and we would visit SL20B, the 20th Second Life birthday celebrations.

Tsai Cheng, by TJ HawkeTsai cheng, by TJ Hawke

TJ Hawke, Whotter, Tsai ChengTJ Hawke, Whotter


As TJ stated: "Whotter is my favourite author!"

Fish, again. But Whotter likes to have a fan. Thanks to TJ for the lovely photos.