Friday, September 22, 2017

A diary entry

writing in diary secondlife

Dear diary,

I was sitting at my desk this morning about to go AFK when I got this IM. It was someone who hadn't contacted me for a while, so out of politeness I sent him a message:
- I need do a few things now, so I'll be afk for a minute or 20 I think.
When I came back there were several lines of response from the other person. For the sake of privacy I won't give his name, it went like this:
- Go fuck yourself.
- For all I care.
When I asked him where that response came from he rambled on. He hated me basically, he told me, 'for always being a cunt' to him and for 'psychologically torturing' him. I looked up the notes I made in his profile and saw the first one, from 2 years ago, mentioning that he was 'a useless chatup'. That told me enough: one of the guys who adds me to contact list and then IM's me every now and then.

Fine. Most of them are boring of course and if we have nothing in common and they're never hiring me the conversations do indeed go nowhere. Too bad.
So I muted the man, after removing him from 'friend list' and that was it.

At my leg, I felt something wet and sticky. Whotter. With a newspaper filled with fish and chips in his hand. Who on earth had given that fat stuff to him? Geez, it's hard to raise a kid amongst those irresponsible women. Grr. Oh well, what do you want Whotter?
- Oh it's time to go out into the streets. Mommy has to work to buy you more fish and chips when this is finished?

End of this entry

Whotter under the table with fish and chips

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