Monday, June 3, 2024

Becoming a SL21B Greeter

Whotter applied to become a greeter at the annual Second Life Birthday event, this year it's named SL21B, since, well.. it's the 21st anniversary!

Becoming a SL21B Greeter

Apparently, all he had to do is fill in a short application form. Then he was checked for eligibility. I would never have passed that check, as my profile is of an adult nature. Whotter's is not. It's mostly about fish and his novel... (As you will know, that one is named 'fish' as well...)

Becoming a SL21B Greeter

When accepted, he followed a training. That one was only last night. It was given by Viola Mole, who is the new Greeter Coordinator. Whotter might have been anxious at first, being a tiny. Maybe he won't fit the uniform, or he would not be accepted, but look: the Greeter Coordinator is this lovely cat avatar. You got to love the diversity in Second Life.

Becoming a SL21B Greeter

The story continues on July the 20th, as the greeters will be released onto the SL21B party grounds...

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