Thursday, July 4, 2024

4th of July in Second Life

The 4th of July in Second Life resembles Christmas a bit, in a miniature version: Americans make a big deal about it and Marketplace is full of stuff that is sold for it. But on the day itself, they don't show up.


So we got a Dutch-Vietnamese-Ukrainian-Canadian crowd, dressing up an English owned bar in Second Life for our dear American guests. We even raised a flag for them. We omitted the fireworks: the Bald Eagle would have gotten scared and might even have resorted to calling PETA. We don't want that, right? We thought of our costumes though: KvĂȘta even found herself a native outfit and took the trouble of plucking some feather's from our peacock's tail*. Not sure the bird liked that.

Our Rita even made herself an American Eagle tattoo and since we all agreed it looked nice, she has put it up for sale on Marketplace as well. A number of visitors showed, but not one of them was American. Next year we celebrate Canada Day instead.

*We haven't heard from PETA yet, so we assume that the peacock had no phone.

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