Sunday, April 17, 2016

Kathrine's rezz day party

Kathrine's rezz day party

Yesterday there was the huge party that was planned for Kathrine, the tall blonde girl that I got to know for her outfits when she started to work here: she appeared starch naked half the time, even when it was freezing. It was predicted to be a busy party, especially with the giveaway action: every 15 minutes there was an amount of 2000L given to one of the people on the dance floor.

Kathrine's rezz day party

It got busy indeed! Suzi even mentioned that she had never had as many people in the square as yesterday night. Of course this also caused a few issues: I crashed out twice and the 'Prize diamond' that was supposed to hand out the money was poorly understood by the party people. The thing being a 'skill-based game', as we have them in Second Life since 2007's gambling ban, which was a severe blow to in-world prostitution as well, needed to be clicked in a certain way by the selected prize winner.
In the end the 'prize diamond' was readjusted and the prizes were given out by hand by our lovely French hooker Bojana. This saved a lot of trouble.

And Kathrine? Well the rezz day girl had a great night. I have to thank her for making this possible and inviting us!

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