Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Street Whores Summer Party

We had a summer party down at Street Whores this sunday. It had been a while since the last monthly party. (You could say that they haven't been as 'monthly'the past few months)

Street Whores Summer Party

It was great fun, not only did I find a tool that enabled Whotter to dance along with the 'big avatars', a thing I have been wanting for years, but also did my friend STephanie show up again. She had been away for weeks now. A week ago or so I had already understood that she was very busy with her company in RL, so I wasn't too worried anymore, but it was good to see her in-world again.

There were prizes for the three girls that were best in theme. The black girl that is left of Whotter in the photo (I forgot her name, it was too long and complicated for me) won first prize. There's a sort of policy that the managers of the area and previous winners aren't always eligible for the competition. It makes it more fun for the newcomers.

At the end, one of the girls decided to leave the scene by helicopter, which was kind of weird, but that's what SL is for, right?

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