Friday, September 20, 2024

A new beginning for Street Whores

Sometimes things move really fast in Second Life. Did I just write down how Linden Lab cleared the land on Friday the 13th, this Monday the 16th the land was bought up by Jess, owner of X-Sisters, in an auction that is already the stuff of legends.
She writes about it herself in her blog. I recommend it. It sounds like a crazy adventure that my friends went through, snatching the near region-sized parcel away before the greedy hands of land barons...


Jess shows us the plan for Street Whores on her own region
Jess shows us the build, before the auction was won

The weekend before the auction ended I knew already that there were plans. I was shown a built on the size of Street Whores, safely tucked away on Jess' own home region. But yes, you never know if the plan will materialise.


Street Whores new square, in front of the pub
And this is us, at the new square in front of the pub, in the actual region

We are only a few days further now and already half the rentals of the rebuilt Street Whores are filled up. You can feel the vibe as you walk in and see the old gang, new girls and curious gawkers go around the place.


Tsai Cheng on the re-opening poster of Street Whores
The poster for the re-opening. Yes, that is me on it...

For all of these, and more, there will be a Grand Re-Opening Party of course. This Sunday at 10AM, Second Life Time (That is PDT, or SLT as we often say in Second Life itself). There will be DJ's, hookers and no doubt general mayhem as we kick off for a fresh new start.

Come visit us! 


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