Saturday, September 14, 2024

The end of Street Whores after 14 years

Yesterday was friday the 13th. I am not supersticious, but who would have guessed that near 8AM SL time on that day my items from Streetwhores would all be returned to me by the Linden who is responsible for land clearances...

Tsai Cheng, Whitney Linden

And as I walked in, still in a bikini, as I came from the X-Sisters Bear Bar, I just saw an empty field. It can be hard to swallow, to see your home in Second Life for 14 years vanish like that. I am still not sure what I would want to write about it right now.

And, seen from the other side, still empty for many years, but existing, the place where I worked a couple of weeks before I found Street Whores and moved in there: Whore-Inn. Strange.

A person who knew what to write about the end of Street Whores is Jess, the owner of X-Sisters, she dedicated a blog to it. I will link it here:

Street Whores in Second Life | How Neglect Destroyed the Top Red-Light Sim




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