Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sheep versus whores

I got myself a sheep avatar. It was a joke of course, asking myself if the men prefer sheep nowadays, but you never know exactly what happens unless you wear the avatar.

sheep versus whores

So, I got my avatar, dressed it up, which was quite some task since the folder I got contained many items that needed to be sorted, and I went out into the streets. With a suitable handbag of course, where else do you leave an avatar's spare parts?
Much to my surprise, I got immediate male attention. One guy called me 'original' and 'different'. Then a colleague asked me if I was 18 already...

I checked and noticed that I was about half the height of everyone else. That made me feel a bit uneasy at it. But well, an anthropomorphic sheep, that is not an animal and not a minor either. So yes, I should not worry.

a sheep typing

In the end I just decided to go to my apartment and type up stuff. There's always a regular of some sort that might call me. I would just not have to forget changing back into my regular avi. ;-)

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