Saturday, May 16, 2015

Exploring the Pulciano region

I decided to make a little walk and see where I would end up. And so I arrived at the Pulciano region, somewhere in a lonely array of sims connecting two continents of Second Life. They had a pretty tower here and I saw an extuinguished campfire next to it. Could it have been that someone had just left? Who knows.. Also I saw a place to get free diving gear. Interesting.

I walked into the tower and saw this cute aquarium. While I was watching it though, I heard this nasty gnawing sound next to me: a rat! I jumped on the barrel next to me. The critter was definitely watching me now...

This spiraling staircase brought me up into the tower. I am a bit afraid of heights, so it was not so nice for me. But anything would have been better than that rat there.

And so up the staircase there was a ladder. Quite some tower. For a simple girl of the streets, who hardly ever ventures above anything the altitude of an attic, this was quite the adventure.

The view there was beautiful, but that rat was still there and I was afraid to go down on my own. Who would come rescue me, poor girl alone in a high tower?

 It's a good thing I carry a parachute in that humngous handbag/inventory of mine.. So I jumped off, with eyes closed of course...

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